Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
We wish to inform you that in accordance with national privacy laws, our company Altobelantonio intends to provide information on the handling of data belonging to users that visit the website, accessible online. Data shall be handled in line with principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of privacy and personal rights. This informative note is issued for our website only in line with instructions issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority and is not applicable to other websites that users may eventually visit through links to other addresses, for which Altobelantoniois in no way responsible.
The computer systems and software procedures used to ensure the functionality of this website acquire various personal data during the course of their normal operation, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. For example, forms of personal data include: IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connected to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of requested resources, the time of the request, the methods used to make the request to the web server, the size of the file received in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the reply provided by the web server (successful, error, etc.) and any other parameters relative to the user's operating system and IT environment.
All the information is acquired by the web hosting company (t), which hosts this website and collects said data according to the methods described in their Privacy Policy.
Data is handled using manual, digital and online tools in compliance with methods stated in Section 11, paragraph 1 of the Privacy Code. Collected data is stored only for the period of time defined by current legislation. In order to prevent the loss of acquired data and its illicit or incorrect use, minimums security measures stated by Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 have been adopted.
This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information regarding the use of our website and to check that its functions are working efficiently.
This website uses cookies to analyse data relative to traffic and user trends through Google Analytics and t software. In order to perform the above-described activities, personal data may become known to our personnel (employees and independent contractors) in departments responsible for providing web services. Said data shall also be handled by way of computerised procedures and electronic communication systems, protected by suitable measures to ensure safety and confidentiality, as well as using methods and a logic coherent with the objectives being pursued and for the storage times strictly necessary in order to comply with legal obligations.
Data collected through the compilation of forms found on the website pages shall be handled electronically for the purpose of sending periodic newsletters and commercial offers, also on behalf of third parties. It will be possible to unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link found at the bottom of every newsletter. The newsletter is a completely free service. Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30/06/2003, it is always possible to exercise the right to request confirmation of the existence of personal data relative to yourself and eventually its deletion, or to oppose its use by sending an email to
The Data Controller is the company Bruschi , located in Via Mendosio 26 - 20081 - Abbiategrasso
Altobelantonio provides exact and up to date information and guarantees the accuracy and completeness of the information made available on its website. Viceversa, it denies all liabilities regarding the use of its website and any information inserted by third parties. Users of the website are also warned that its contents shall be used at the user's own risk and responsibility.
Altobelantonio denies all liability for services provided by third parties that have not been authorised and for which links have not been activated, and for any other contents, information or anything else present in the third-party resource connected to the attached link, which is in breach of Italian law.
Links to external websites are services provided as a simple aid to users and exclude all liability for the exactness and completeness of the set of indicated links. Altobelantonio reserves the right to modify the contents of its website and this page at any time and without any prior warning.
Personal data acquired in this manner shall not be subject to widespread diffusion and may be disclosed to public entities and authorities where requested by law or to establish liability in the case of cyber crimes, as well as to other companies or professionals entrusted by us, specialised in the IT sector and responsible for helping us manage the website. Further details on said parties can be requested via email at Moreover, users may write to this email address to gain access to their data, request information about its handling, have it updated, integrated and amended if incorrect or incomplete, request its deletion or blockage if handled in breach of the law and oppose its handling for legitimate reasons, or in any case when used for commercial and advertising scopes (section 7, Legislative Decree 196/03).
By way of this notice, for all intents and purposes of the law and regulations, and in particular pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, the undersigned declares to have carefully read the preceding informative note and grants their free, knowledgeable, informed consent for the handling and communication of their personal data for the purposes and using the methods reported in the informative note.
This Cookie Policy constitutes an integral part of the Privacy Policy and has been drawn up in accordance with the Italian Data Protection Authority Provision no. 229 of 08/05/2014
Technical cookies are essential to ensure the correct functionality of the website and allow users to browse the website and make the most of its characteristics (for example, they store previous actions or allow user sessions to be saved and/or allow the user to perform other activities strictly necessary for the website to function properly). Analytical cookies belong to this category. These help us to understand how users interact with the website, providing information about the last page visited, the number of sections and pages visited, the time spent on the website and all events that occurred during browsing (for example, an error message), as well as provide information about any difficulties the user may have encountered while using the website. This information can be linked to user information such as their IP address, domain or browser; in any case, it is analysed together with information from other users so as not to differentiate between one user and another. These cookies are collected and aggregated in an anonymous form and allow the website manager to improve website usability. Functional cookies allow the website to remember user choices (for example, the user name) in order to offer the user a more personalised and optimised browsing experience. Functional cookies are not indispensable in order to use the website's functions, but improve the quality of the website and browsing experience. If these cookies are not accepted, the performance and functions of the website may be inferior and access to website contents may be limited.
Targeting or profiling cookies are used to present contents adapted to users and their interests. They can be used to view targeted advertising material, to publish personalised advertisements based on the user's interests or to limit the number of times a user views the same advertisement. Moreover, they help to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on the website; the website manager may use these cookies to remember the websites that the user visited and share this information with third parties, including agencies and advertisers, which may use the cookies to collect information on user activities. Social network cookies are necessary to allow users to interact with websites through their social accounts. They are used for example to express appreciation for something and to share an item with one's social contacts. The website uses or can use the following cookies, also in combination:
- session cookies, which are stored on the user's computer for purely technical/functional reasons, for the transmission of session identification data needed to allow safe and efficient exploration of the website; these are cancelled at the end of the "session" (hence the name) when the browser is closed;
- persistent cookies, which remain stored on the computer's hard disk until they expire or are removed by the user. Through persistent cookies, users that access websites (or other users that use the same computer) will be automatically recognised each time they visit.
When a user visits a website, various cookies may be stored that are not controlled by the website manager. This occurs for example, if the user visits a page containing contents of a third-party website. Consequently, the user may receive cookies from these third-party
We and our partners use cookies or similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the website, track users’ movements around the website, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.
We use "cookies" to help you personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web server. Cookies are not used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize pages on our Websites, or register for the Subscription Service, a cookie helps us to recall your specific information on subsequent visits. When you return to the same Website, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the customized features.
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. We keeps track of the Websites and pages you visit within our website, in order to determine what portion of the Website is the most popular or most used. This data is used to deliver customized content and promotions within the Website to customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.
We may collect demographic information, such as your ZIP code, age, gender, preferences, interests and favorites using log files that are not associated with your name or other personal information. There is also information about your computer hardware and software that is automatically collected by us. This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, internet service provider (ISP), the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system, clickstream data, access times and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the Subscription Service, to maintain quality of the Subscription Service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the Website. For these purposes, we do link this automatically-collected data to Personal Information such as name, email address, address, and phone number.
We may employ a software technology called clear gifs (a.k.a. Web Beacons/Web Bugs), that help us better manage the Website and Subscription Service by informing us what content is effective. Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the online movements of Web users. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user's computer hard drive, clear gifs are embedded invisibly on Web pages or in emails and are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. We use clear gifs in our HTML-based emails to let us know which emails have been opened by recipients. This allows us to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. We tie the information gathered by clear gifs in emails to our customers' Personal Information. If you would like to opt-out of these emails, please see "Opting Out and Unsubscribing".
5.6. Flash Cookies and Other Third Party Tracking Technologies
The Adobe Flash Player (and similar applications) use technology to remember settings, preferences and usage similar to browser cookies but these are managed through a different interface than the one provided by your Web browser. This technology creates locally stored objects that are often referred to as "Flash cookies." t does not use Flash cookies. However, our customers of our software platform may create pages on the t platform that employ Adobe Flash cookies. t does not have access or control over our customers' Flash cookies, but you may access your Flash management tools from Adobe's web site directly.
Similarly, our customers may create pages using the t Subscription Service that use technology from tracking utility companies, such as cookies and web beacons. The use of these technologies by our customers is not covered by our Privacy Policy. We do not have access or control over these third party tracking technologies.
We partner with a third party ad network to either display advertising on our Web site or to manage our advertising on other sites. Our ad network partner uses cookies and Web beacons to collect non-personal information about your activities on this and other Web sites to provide you targeted advertising based upon your interests. If you wish to not have this information used for the purpose of serving you targeted ads, you may opt-out by clicking here: (or if located in the European Union, by clicking here: Please note this does not opt you out of being served advertising. You will continue to receive generic ads.
The use of cookies and web beacons by any tracking utility company is not covered by our Privacy Policy. We do not have access or control over these third party tracking technologies.
Le informazioni ed il materiale contenuti in questo sito (interfaccia grafica, immagini, testi, organizzazione delle informazioni, fotografie, etc.) sono di proprietà della Altobelantonio e, ove non specificato diversamente, sono tutelati dalla legge sul diritto d’autore e dalle altre norme a protezione della proprietà intellettuale ed industriale. Tale materiale non può essere copiato, riprodotto, ripubblicato, trasmesso o distribuito in qualunque forma, anche solo parzialmente, senza l’autorizzazione scritta di Altobelantonio . I marchi registrati sono di proprietà Altobelantonio e non possono essere utilizzati senza il preventivo consenso scritto di Altobelantonio , che ha la facoltà di modificare in qualsiasi momento e a propria discrezione i contenuti del presente sito, nonché dei servizi offerti. Altobelantonio si impegna a rendere il servizio continuativo ed il sito funzionale; non può tuttavia garantire che alle informazioni e ai servizi occorrano interruzioni e sospensioni o ritardi.
I documenti che sono disponibili e possono essere prelevati da questo sito Web sono proprietà di Altobelantonio . Essi possono essere visualizzati o stampati unicamente per uso personale e non possono in alcun modo essere riprodotti (in tutto o in parte), alterati, trasmessi o utilizzati a fini commerciali senza l’autorizzazione scritta della società suddetta.
Altobelantonio assicura la massima riservatezza nel trattamento dei dati personali, nel rispetto della normativa vigente in materia di privacy. Agli utenti che decidono volontariamente di registrarsi verranno chiesti dei dati personali. Questi sono utilizzati solo da personale autorizzato Altobelantonio . La raccolta dei dati ha lo scopo di garantire all'utente un servizio migliore o l'accesso ad aree riservate. Conformemente all’art. 13 della Legge 675/96 l’interessato può in qualunque momento chiedere di poter controllare, modificare, aggiornare, rettificare, integrare o cancellare i dati che lo riguardano. I dati sono archiviati su database elettronici e trattati con modalità informatizzata. Non verranno in alcun caso comunicati, trasmessi, diffusi, venduti, noleggiati o in alcun modo resi accessibili a terzi.
Le informazioni degli utenti che usufruiscono dei servizi accessibili a partire dal presente sito web sono rese ai sensi dell'art. 13 del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196, recante il "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali" (di seguito il "Codice"). Durante la consultazione del sito possono, infatti, essere raccolte informazioni relative agli utenti che costituiscono dati personali ai sensi del Codice. L'informativa è resa esclusivamente per i predetti siti e non riguarda eventuali altri siti raggiungibili dall'utente tramite i link presenti sullo stesso.
Titolare del trattamento è la società altobelantonio di Altobel David, con sede in Sanguineto (Verona), Via Pistore 48 (MN),
Il trattamento dei dati connesso ai servizi web di questo sito ha luogo sia presso la sede sopraindicata di Altobelantonio e sono curati da personale, debitamente nominato incaricato del trattamento, e da tecnici esterni per operazioni di gestione e manutenzione, sia presso Altobelantonio riguardo ai dati informatizzati.
I sistemi informatici e le procedure software preposte al funzionamento di questo sito web acquisiscono, nel corso del loro normale esercizio, alcuni dati personali la cui trasmissione è implicita nell'uso dei protocolli di comunicazione di Internet. Si tratta di informazioni che non sono raccolte per essere associate a soggetti identificati, ma che per loro stessa natura potrebbero, attraverso elaborazioni ed associazioni con dati detenuti da terzi, permettere di identificare gli utenti. In questa categoria di dati rientrano gli indirizzi IP o i nomi a dominio dei computer utilizzati dagli utenti che si connettono al sito, gli indirizzi in notazione URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) delle risorse richieste, l'orario della richiesta, il metodo utilizzato nel sottoporre la richiesta al server, la dimensione del file ottenuto in risposta, il codice numerico indicante lo stato della risposta data dal server (buon fine, errore, ecc.) ed altri parametri relativi al sistema operativo e all'ambiente informatico dell'utente. Questi dati vengono utilizzati al solo fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche anonime sull'uso del sito e per controllarne il corretto funzionamento e vengono conservati secondo i termini di legge. I dati potrebbero essere utilizzati per l'accertamento di responsabilità in caso di ipotetici reati informatici ai danni del sito: salva questa eventualità , allo stato i dati sui contatti web sono conservati per un periodo massimo di 24 mesi.
Salvo quanto specificato per i dati di navigazione, l'utente è libero di fornire i suoi dati personali nei moduli di richiesta o comunque di indicarli al fine di sollecitare l'invio di materiale informativo o di altre comunicazioni. Il mancato conferimento dei dati personali può, tuttavia, comportare l'impossibilità di ottenere quanto richiesto. L'invio facoltativo, esplicito e volontario di posta elettronica agli indirizzi indicati su questo sito comporta la successiva acquisizione dell'indirizzo del mittente, necessario per rispondere alle richieste, nonché degli eventuali altri dati personali inseriti nella comunicazione elettronica. Specifiche informative sintetiche verranno rese per particolari servizi.
I dati personali sono trattati con strumenti automatizzati per il tempo strettamente necessario a conseguire gli scopi per cui sono stati raccolti. Specifiche misure di sicurezza sono state adottate per prevenire la perdita dei dati, usi illeciti o non corretti ed accessi non autorizzati.
I dati personali forniti dagli utenti che inoltrano richieste di invio di materiale informativo sono utilizzati al solo fine di fornire il servizio o la prestazione richiesta e sono comunicati a soggetti terzi che prestano a Altobelantonio servizi strumentali (per esempio servizi di imbustamento, etichettatura e spedizione). Al di fuori di questi casi, i dati non saranno comunicati, salvo ove sia necessario per adempiere a richieste dell'Autorità Giudiziaria o di Pubblica Sicurezza. I dati raccolti non verranno in nessun caso diffusi. Qualora l'utente abbia dato esplicito consenso, Altobelantonio utilizzerà i dati personali anche al fine di migliorare e personalizzare l'offerta di prodotti e servizi ed in particolare i dati personali verranno utilizzati da Altobelantonio per inviare comunicazioni via e-mail, posta, SMS, telefono o cellulare ed altri strumenti di comunicazione a distanza relative promozioni ed iniziative pubblicitarie e commerciali nonché per condurre indagini di mercato al fine di raccogliere i dati circa il soddisfacimento per i prodotti ed i servizi proposti.
I soggetti cui si riferiscono i dati personali hanno diritto, ai sensi dell'art. 7 del Codice, di ottenere, in qualunque momento, la conferma dell'esistenza o meno dei medesimi dati e di conoscerne il contenuto e l'origine, verificarne l'esattezza o chiederne l'integrazione o l'aggiornamento, oppure la rettificazione. Ai sensi del medesimo articolo si ha diritto di chiedere la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge, nonché di opporsi, in ogni caso, per motivi legittimi, al loro trattamento. Le richieste vanno rivolte a Altobelantonio, all'indirizzo sopra indicato ovvero via email all'indirizzo